Not long after my last post, I started feeling better again - not better than before the transplants, but better than I had been feeling, which was freaking horrible.
Still no improvement...and only 3 weeks before I go back for review. :(
I'm a chronic sufferer of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, currently undergoing Human Probiotic Infusion therapy, at the only Australian clinic offering this treatment. The treatment has recently become available in America. I'm hoping that this blog will serve two purposes: 1) update/mildly repulse/horrify my friends for our mutual amusement 2) let other IBS, Crohns, Ulcerative Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease sufferers know that there's a new option out there. Enjoy!
Not long after my last post, I started feeling better again - not better than before the transplants, but better than I had been feeling, which was freaking horrible.
Still no improvement...and only 3 weeks before I go back for review. :(
I had yesterday off work, and had to cancel my birthday dinner with friends tonight.
Still no mood swings, but I'm really starting to prepare myself for the bald truth that this treatment simply hasn't given any other kind of relief...and won't. Its nearly 2 months since my first treatment - S had told me that they used to use 2 months as the guideline for any improvements to stabilise. Now they've changed it to 3 months, but's not even stabilisation I'm looking for, just any kind of positive sign.
But, to make sure I give it my best shot, I've still got to keep up with the high fibre diet for the next 5 weeks or so, until my follow up appointment. As you can imagine, I've reduced my fibre intake a fair bit, and attempted to find out what else could be irritating my gut (changing time of day I swallow vitamin tablets to see if that makes any difference, going on a 'cleansing diet' of just rice bread and water for a few days etc), but no light at the end of the tunnel at present.
Hate hate hate